May 2022
Hello everyone, and thank you for coming out to our May vigil, on a bank holiday nonetheless. I promise not to keep you long. This is the ninth time that we've stood here to remember those women who have been killed by men each month. When we decided to start these vigils, the aim was never to make them political, we chose the location, here by Amelie Delegrange's bench because it serves as a poignant reminder of how lives can be shattered by male violence - and not just the lives of the victims, but all of those who know her, who loved her and even more broadly - all of us who are affected by the knowledge that even in this leafy green suburb, its not always safe to walk home, and for some women, its not safe to be at home. Despite the intention to remain non-partisan, we can't escape the fact that there is an election in three days time. An election where we choose our local councillors to represent us, to make sure our voices are heard. The Women's Equality Par...