February 2022
Wondered if there was nothing
new to say…worried there was nothing new to say.
well there is and there isn’t- that the point.
this is our 6th vigil – that we - WEP - are delighted to
be here with you - on Twickenham Green
…..and we do feel like we are
saying the same thing……but that is because not enough is changing and we need
to keep saying it
We have been here the first
Monday of each month since Oct
to mark, remember and bear
witness to the women who die at hands of men or where a man is the chief
In a moment I’ll invite you
to spend a moment in silence with us as a mark of respect…..
But If we needed to be
reminded of the need to be standing here and of the importance of speaking out
about violence against women and girls
in the last month or so …….our
headlines have been filled with…..
Aishling Murphy – young
teacher in Ireland -who was murderd in daylight in a crowded place whilst out
for a run. Talking a friend – shocked all of Ireland-
similar to the reaction to the death of Princess Diana… vigils all over the
country – musicians playing – men came and brought flowers. As she said to me – “this is Ireland – that
doesn’t usually happen”.
Results of inquiry into the Met
police based at Charring Cross - showing threads of – jokes about rape and
beating women – too horrible to be reported in any detail.
We need to balance the words
of the report - “not isolated incidents or a few bad apples”
with the idea that not ALL
police hold misogynistic and violent attitudes - for Eg our copper here tonight- and we had a couple of PC’s and recent WEP
of course we are not talking
about all men- there are lots of good men out there - and we very much welcome
men and women who want to join us to raise awareness and speak out about the
level of violence against women and girls that is just unacceptable…….
I’m not the first person to
observe that if it were the other way around – if men were being killed by women.
……would there be a different reaction?
In fact the figures for 2022
are not available but to give some perspective ….
in 2021 – 139 women killed in
that year
that’s 2.7 women a week
killed or suspected killed by a man
that’s one woman every 3
And let us not forget that these women are not
just statistics – each is a tragedy on a very personal level.
We are now going to light a
candle and hold a moment of silence…..
Thank you for coming- and bless you for
turning out on a bold and wintry February night.
Great to see you and see the level of support
Please keep going. in whatever way you can.
Keep turning up, keep speaking out and
speaking up
Follow Richmond WEP on Twitter and Facebook.
Re-tweet us and re-post our posts.
Similarly follow Karen and Counting Dead
Women. who regularly compile national figures on the women who die in this way.
Re-tweet and re-post.
Write to your local MP and local councillor.
Vote for the Women’s Equality Party candidates
in the Council elections in May.
Come and talk to us if you would like any more
Please travel home safely. And please join us
again next month on March 7th. .
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