
Showing posts from July, 2024

July 2024

Welcome to our monthly VAWG vigil here in Twickenham Today I want to talk about change · Upcoming General election · The media now uses the term VAWG · The Guardian – prints a list of women who have died · Killed Women – relatives of these victims are campaigning for change They are wanting reviews of cases where women have fallen from a height to make sure it was not murder. · Jess Phillips MP – annually reads out those women who have been killed in the past year (though she is tired of this). · The White Ribbon movement that our Council has signed up to. We also need a change to society’s attitude to violence that it is no longer acceptable or inevitable behaviour and this means we need to address systemic change so that services that support all witnesses and victims that need protection automatically receive this. At Zara Aleena recent inquest there were multiple state failures that could have prevented her death if her killer had been properly supervised and communication had been